But let me back up for a moment and share more about the SPICER Planner and what makes this product different than any other planner you may have used in the past. The mission behind the SPICER Planner was to create a tool that one could use on a daily basis to help them focus on their main priority and top goals. At the same time, it also is balanced with tracking and encouraging development in the other more ignored but desired parts of life. On the surface, it seems like any other planner but there is an underlining theme throughout the planner that brings together several layers of your life in a way no other planner has.
So what is the secret sauce of the SPICER Planner? The backbone of the SPICER Planner is in the spice itself. It is what we created to be the foundation of the planner to help people track not only their top priorities but also explore their emotional, physical, and spiritual sides of life at the same time. Many people discover that when they focus solely on their top priorities, which historically has been shown to be centered on work-related projects, their personal life tends to suffer. So the SPICER Planner addresses six different primary areas.
S- Spiritual Health
P- Physical Health
I - Intellectual Growth
C- Career Development
E- Emotional Health
R- Relationship Health
Let's break down these areas further to see how the SPICER Planner is designed to spice up your life and give you a space to focus on all areas of growth and development.
Here your focus will be on your relationship with God or whichever higher power you connect with. Your connection to a local church, personal devotion time, and your prayer life.
For the intellectual growth section, you will look at your efforts at increasing your knowledge. Are you seeking to learn new things, either at work or as a hobby? Are you challenging your brain?
For intellectual growth, you will look at your efforts at increasing your knowledge. Are you seeking to learn new things, either at work or as a hobby? Are you challenging your brain?
Are you happy with your career? Is what you are doing fulfilling? Are you good at what you do but not enjoying it? Are you not so good at your job but love it so much you are willing to learn more? Is your earning power where you would like it to be?
For your emotional health, are you managing your emotions, or do your emotions manage you? Are you responding to conflicts how you should? Do you maturely handle disappointments? What is your state of happiness, joy, peace, and gratitude?
Lastly, we will look at your relationships. How is your romantic situation? Are you happily married/single? How are your relationships with your parents, siblings, children, and friends?
So now the question is who is the SPICER Planner for? While everyone needs a good planner, we have designed the SPICER Planner specifically for one group of people in mind. Now that doesn't mean that everyone can't benefit from it even if you don't happen to fit the demographic we tailored to.
The SPICER Planner journey is specifically aimed at women entrepreneurs who are juggling their business, while also trying to balance the demands of being a wife and/or mother. Individuals in this group are widely known to have a bad habit of constantly putting others above and before themselves. Self-care and personal development are usually second to what is best for the family and business. It is our desire to close that gap and regain some time and attention to what fuels and motivates us. To create a space of freedom and exploration to once again get in touch with our own desires, goals, and ambitions.
The SPICER Planner is very different from regular day planners. Because it is designed for busy entrepreneurial women with numerous responsibilities, the SPICER Planner comes complete with methods of tracking and monitoring growth and development in several different areas. It provides opportunities for reflection daily, weekly, and monthly. And we encourage women to connect with us and reach out if they discover they have a need to track something else that isn't already covered in the numerous sections provided.
As I type our editor is putting the final touches and revisions on the written content within the SPICER Planner. Once revisions are set, we will be submitting the manuscript to be made available on Amazon. I understand that the process from submission to availability is fairly quick so I anticipate December 01, 2021 being the first day you can purchase a copy.
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