What's at the End of the SPICER Planner

What's at the End of the SPICER Planner

Who's ready for the end of 2022?

Okay okay, I am not really ready for this year to end. We've just gotten started and so far 2022 has been great to me and my family. However, looking ahead and planning for the future is never a bad thing.

I totally believe in living in the present moment and enjoying today, but never looking forward and planning ahead can be dangerous. You should have a vision and hope for what your future will look like so you know what to focus on today to make it happen.

That is why today, I am going to review with you what the conclusion of the SPICER planner provides to each of you. The SPICER planner takes each of us through 12 months of planning, tracking, and growing. So the best way to end the year is to reflect on the progress we made over the previous 12 months.

The first section of the SPICER Planner that follows your December planning is the End of the Year Reflection Questions. Here I provide you with six reflective questions about the growth and progress you made. I ask about your challenges, your opportunities, your teaching moments, and much more.

And then we wrap it up with setting your SPICER Smart goals for the next year. Based on your growth, where do you want to go next? What are the next SPICER goals you seek to conquer for yourself? Adding this section helps to set you up for the next year and where you want to grow to.

By then, we should have the next edition of the SPICER planner ready to go which will provide more opportunities for a more holistic and balanced life for each of you.

And as I announced before, the SPICER Snack Sized planners are finished and ready to order. You can now purchase your quarterly SPICER planner on Amazon. And soon I will be opening my own shop and selling them directly which will come with extra perks so stay tuned to that.
Until then I would love to know from you guys what you enjoy about using daily planners. How have they helped you in the past and what do you wish your planner would do for you?

I appreciate the support from each of you and if you haven't done so yet, please do leave us a review on our Amazon store and let others know what you think about the SPICER Planner.

Have a great week.
